
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

First tablet drawing...

Winter is Coming

I had no idea what to expect when using the tablet to draw with as you can tell. Flipping through the channels waiting for Game of Thrones to come on, did the usual and checked sports scores. ( it doesn't mstter what you're watching ladies, we'll always ask you to switch to a sports event or channel to check a score of something. Do that and you're a keeper! Lol) Anyway; I digress...

Watching NHL hockey hilights gave me an idea for a sketch. Instead of pulling out a notebook, I was on my tablet anyway, I cracked open the Sketchbook Pro app, took out the pointer, choose my pencil, brush, airbrush etc, and started. Since I am a traditionalist, I just had to try a line drawing with the pencil. 

Have to admit it was a bit strange. Really thin lines and since I'm more of a volumetric artist, (prefers to capture the volume of an item without the use of shading tones to capture volume) it was really hard to get used to. 

Now that I've taken this digital drawing out for a spin with this feeble attempt,  let's see what this baby can really do shall we....? 

Until next time...

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