
Sunday, May 3, 2015

EDiM02 - No Trees, Winds, Kites and beggars; Oh my

Went away for the weekend and yes, I brought my drawing stuff with me. When I found out about the EDiM challenge, my intention was to stay ahead of the challenge and draw the next day in advance, but since the weekend trip was last minute, things didn't go as planned.

The next morning (Saturday) was crisp and with reports of snow or rain in the area, sketching outside was going to be hit or miss. One would think finding a nearby tree to draw would be easy but when staying in a hotel in the middle of an urban center, it proved to be more challenging than I thought.

The hotel room, stuffed in the back corner of the building, overlooked an apartment complex parking lot. Not a tree to be found. Since I was going to head further south for the day, my chances of finding any trees at this point would increase dramatically.

After grabbing a coffee, (perfect cold weather nectar), I stumbled upon a multi use park tucked away behind gas stations and student housing complexes I've been in this area numerous times before but never knew this park existed.

Parked the car, gathered my back-pack and headed out to find some sun and a tree. Following a make-shift trail through the shrubs and down a steep hill, I was in the park...sort of. A chain link fence stood between me and tree utopia.

I followed the fence line around which was interrupted by a few equipment buildings and public washrooms (which were locked) and finally found an opening into the park. Stopping at the entrance, I looked around at the prospects and found the perfect location. A warped picnic table under this massive tree at the back of the park. All I had to do was navigate my way around a cricket match, a few kids flying kites and I was home free.

What seemed like the perfect location was anything but. The sky's darkened, the winds swooped in making it nearly impossible to attempt to draw anything on flapping paper. (the binder clip I had must have fallen off somewhere). I took a picture of the tree and quickly packed up my bag and made my way back to the car.

The winds that forced me to flee my location played havoc with the kids kites. One fell from the sky dive bomber style. The tip stuck into the ground like a lawn dart about 15 feet in front of me.

Death by kite sounds tragically fun doesn't it?

Back at the car, there was a tree directly in front of where I parked. I broke out the sketchbook once again only to be disturbed by a knock on the window. Just some random guy looking for any spare change. I used the last of it to pay for the parking. He wasn't impressed; swearing and calling me a few names as he walked into the bushes.

"Yup. That's it for me." I thought as I packed my stuff after taking a picture of this tree. I didn't think this challenge was going to be so hostile.

I drove back to the hotel, about an hours drive north and thought I could settle in when I got back to get this thing done but it never happened. I was kind of rattled by the day. A few cold beers takes the edge off but dampens any drawing ambition I had when I got back.

You tell yourself "Ya, I'll do it Sunday" but Sunday I was heading back home. A two hour drive north, house work stuff and preparing for the work week got in the way of my intended promise.

Continued on Monday when I'll get caught up....  

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